Thursday, January 1, 2015

I Want To Tell Those Eyes

The window rattles every time a door is closed.
They are being closed all the time.
I place my hand on the window to stop it from rattling.
Unfortunately, this brings me to the point of being able to look outside
My hand tries to block my view, but I fail
I see out, where there is no rattle
My eyes meet another’s
I didn’t mean to
I want to tell those eyes that I didn’t mean to look
It just happened.
I’m just trying to hold the window steady
I want to tell those eyes that doors are constantly slamming
I want to tell those eyes how lucky they are
outside where doors can’t be slammed
where windows are not needed
I want to tell those eyes something passionate, clever
That it really isn’t about me, even though it is
That it really isn’t about those eyes, even though it is
That I can live without those eyes liking me, even though I want them to
Another door slams, my hand feels the vibration of the window
I can’t seem to stop the window from rattling

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